I spoke with friends and family to collect all the ways they think families make vacations stressful for themselves. Thankfully, each of these mistakes are easily remedied.
(Confession Time: I’m guilty of some of these mistakes too.)
Of course, I wrote this post from a Disney perspective but it applies to almost any vacation. Read on and see how many you’ve been guilty of!
1. Not Doing Their Homework
I know what you’re thinking – there should be no homework on vacation. I agree, but you should always research your destination at least a little before you go. Learn what to expect, jot down attractions or points of interest that sound fun, and collect some basic tips.
2. Choosing the Wrong Time of Year
If you can’t stand the heat, don’t go to Florida in July. Also, be sure to check the hours of your destination and check that it will be open during the time of year you want to visit. No one wants to hear, “The moose out front should have told you…”
3. Choosing “Cheap” Over “Value”
I know we’re all looking for the best deal. However, it’s easy to get burned by choosing the cheapest price over a trusted company. A friend of mine once showed up to Las Vegas and was told the company that had booked his discounted room was out of business and never made the reservation. Be sure to book through a trusted source, whether that’s directly though the company or through a certified vendor. Also, be sure to factor in the level of service you’ll receive when choosing a company.
4. Choosing Accommodations That are Too Small
I know it’s tempting when you hear your family of five will fit in a single room. However, you may regret it when you’re scrambling for the single bathroom and you realize you’ll all have to tip-toe once the baby is asleep. Especially if you’re staying for more than a few days, choose a room that will give you space to relax in.
5. Not Getting Every Member Invested in the Vacation
Fun fact: most teenagers actually want to spend time with their families on vacations. However, they also want to be included in the decisions about what to do. Make sure everyone has a say in the activities so no one feels like they’re just getting dragged along.
6. Trying to Do Too Much in One Visit
Okay, when it comes to Disney vacations especially, this is one of the biggest mistakes people make. You cannot do everything in one visit. You just can’t. For a first trip, focus on the big items and the ones your family will particularly love. The rest will be waiting for you on a future visit.
7. Not Having a General Plan
There are two types of people when it comes to vacations: planners and those who want to “go with the flow”. However, both types should have at least a general plan for their trips so they don’t miss out on what’s important to them. This can be a basic level (Monday: beach day, Tuesday: fishing…) or more elaborate.
8. Forgetting to Make Time for Breaks
Speaking of plans, even if you have a lot you want to see/do you should be sure to plan in a few breaks. These can be rests back in your hotel room or just casual meals where you can sit for a while. There is such a thing as Disney burnout and it results in meltdowns (both adults and kids).
9. Misplacing Travel Documents
I think my worst nightmare would be forgetting my park tickets at home. Thankfully, most tickets are on our phones now, but it’s still stressful when we’re digging up confirmation emails at the check-in counter. Save yourself the stress and collect all your travel documents/confirmations (paper and digital) in one place before you go.
10. Not having Backup Plans or Travel Protection
No one wants to worry about the “what ifs” while they’re on vacation. But those thoughts inevitably float through our minds. Get a travel protection plan for your trip just in case of any emergencies or last minute changes. And have a backup plan if it decides to rain. This way you won’t be scrambling if plans change.
11. Not Allowing Enough Travel Time
I have made this mistake countless times, and every time it is the biggest stressor of our trip. Especially when it comes to air travel, leave yourself PLENTY of buffer time. It’s better to be too early than panicking because your gate is about to close. The same goes for travel time to get to reservations.
12. Over/Under Packing
I think everyone is guilty of this one at one point or another. When you overpack you’ll be worrying about baggage fees, transporting multiple bags of luggage per person, and keeping track of everything. When you underpack, you’re stressed because you forgot things you needed and now have to go shopping. Think through a packing list before you start, and then just check items off one by one.
13. Packing at the Last Minute
I’m very guilty of this one too. No one wants to be packing until 3AM the night before you’re supposed to leave. This is how things get forgotten and how you end up feeling sick the first day of your trip. Start packing well in advance and only leave the necessities for the last minute.
14. Forgetting to Check the Weather
Speaking of packing, be sure to check the weather before you go. It may rain, it may be windy, or it may be hotter/colder than you planned. Be proactive and you’ll thank yourself later.
15. Not Getting Familiar with Maps/Directions
I’m picturing the age old vision of the couple who won’t stop to ask for directions now. Yes, Google Maps will get you where you want to go. But be sure to look at the route before you go so you know how long it will take. When it comes to your destination, look at maps ahead of time so you know which activities you’d like to group together. And please don’t be afraid to ask someone for directions if you get confused.
16. Not Getting Enough Sleep
This is often the result of packing at the last minute or planning too much into your trip. Vacations are supposed to refresh you. Don’t neglect sleep during your trip. You won’t be able to enjoy your destination if you’re falling asleep and cranky all day.
17. Not Setting Up Phones Before Leaving
It’s extremely frustrating when you go to take that perfect family photo and you discover that your phone is either out of battery or the memory is full. Backup your photos before you leave, clear your storage, and be sure to charge the phone nightly. I also love portable chargers as a backup.
18. Forgetting to Take Care of the House Ahead of Time
My friend told me the reason her family never leaves on time for vacation is because her dad preps the house at the last minute. Keep a checklist handy of items to do before you leave (set up timers, hold the mail, make plans for pets, etc). This way you can check off items in advance and only leave necessities for the day you head out.
19. Sleeping In When It’s Time to Leave
I know it’s vacation. I know you want to sleep in. But don’t sleep in on days you know you need to get out early. Set an alarm (or two), prep in advance, and enjoy the advantages of being an early worm. If that’s just not your style, design your trip around that late start instead.
1. Trying to Do It All Themselves
Let’s be honest: there’s a lot to remember when it comes to planning a great vacation. These are supposed to be trips to get us away from to do lists and stress! But most families forget that they don’t need to do it all themselves. My job as a vacation planner is to remedy most of these mistakes and make the entire process go smoothly. And it costs families no more than if they did it themselves (but saves them a ton of time). How’s that for relaxing?
Everyone wants the perfect vacation filled with happy memories. By avoiding most of these mistakes you’ll be able to enjoy more of your trip and live in the moment with your family.
How would you like to have a personal vacation concierge to help you avoid these mistakes on your next Disney vacation? I’m here to help. I’ll work with you from now until you return home and make sure your trip goes smoothly. You can contact me via email at jtullino@themouseexperts.com or submit a request through my quote form. My services are free, so what do you have to lose?
How many of these mistakes have you been guilty of on vacation?
[…] people get cranky, and you’ll inevitably feel overwhelmed at some point on your first visit. Preparation is the key here. Think through your vacation in advance and consider what you might need. Things such as ponchos, […]